This interview has been published by Prabhjot Singh, Priyanka Karwa and The SuperLawyer Team

What prompted you to choose Law? Did you always want to take Law as a career?
Yes, since I was about 12 or 13 years old I wanted to study law; it is difficult to say exactly why I chose law, as it was before the age of the internet and we did not have access to the sources we had today, but reading was a passion and I never changed my mind about the profession I wanted to follow.
Congratulations on being awarded as the DIFC Courts Law Specialist by the DIFC Academy, DIFC Dubai UAE, can you please enlighten our audience about this academy?
For over a decade, the Dubai International Financial Centre has catered to the learning needs of the financial services industry by providing a platform for top-ranked educational institutes to deliver professional development and higher education courses.
The DIFC Academy continues this legacy by partnering with some of the world’s most reputable institutions to offer a variety of options ranging from short certificate workshops to multi-year executive MBA degree programmes.
The Dubai International Financial Centre is a free zone with common law courts, though the UAE is a civil law jurisdiction.
Lexis Nexis published a series of books called the Laws of the DIFC. I co authored the section on the DIFC Law No 10 of 2004, the Court Law with Late Barrister Stephen Field of 1 Pump Court Chambers, UK. As a result I was recognised as a DIFC Court Law specialist .
What prompted you to choose banking and finance law as an LLM course, and how do you see this area bringing new opportunities for the young law professionals?
Banks are very important institutions in any economy as well as in corporate and individual lives. Certainly there are many professional opportunities with such degrees.
How crucial is it for the young legal professionals or even the experienced ones for taking Pro Bono work and is there any criteria for choosing the type of such work?
Pro bono is a way of giving back to society. Everyone cannot afford lawyers. Access to justice is considered a fundamental right in our country and every civilized society and as lawyers we should be part of the larger picture if possible.
Pro bono work gives lawyers exposure to different areas of law. For example, when working with a legal aid clinic, a firm receives a list of cases that need lawyers.
A corporate lawyer may get an opportunity to work on a matrimonial matter or an employment case.
Pro bono cases also give lawyers the chance to work with other lawyers in and build relationships and networks. Exchange of knowledge and ideas is extremely important and interaction with professional colleagues is an invaluable learning process.
You have so many publications on various topics, what tips do you give to our audience for choosing journals and topics as per that specific journal?
That would depend on the interest of the audience; there are specific journals for almost every aspect of law. However, it is important to do independent research, published articles can give an introduction to the topic but certainly do not replace self study.
Insider trading has been there since ages in corporate, such as writing a newsletter on the same, what can be the root cause for the same and steps that can be taken to avoid it completely?
That is a hard question; Strong regulatory and enforcement systems have to be put in place. Ethics and honesty are character traits imbibed from our families and society. Therefore strong laws can help reduce unlawful acts but cannot eradicate them totally.
Being associated with a UAE law firm, how can one prepare himself to settle there as a law professional in different areas? What is the road map for the same?
Look for a vacancy in a busy firm, learn about the new systems and law. At some levels different jurisdictions have challenges, but basically a lawyers work remains the same, wherever they may be.
What would be your parting message to our young readers?
Gain as much experience as you can, avoid any toxic offices that do not provide opportunities to learn and grow. Do not accept bullying and sexual harassment, good knowledge and hard work is the key to success.
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