Associates, In-House Counsels & Advocates

“From Mumbai Courts to High-Profile Cases: A Chronicle of Legal Excellence and Advocacy Leadership,” Also known for his unwavering commitment to justice, innovative approach, and diverse expertise – Advocate Hitesh Ramchandani

This interview has been published by  Priyanka Karwa and The SuperLawyer Team

Hitesh your legal journey has taken you to various courts and forums, representing clients at a national level. If you were to encapsulate your advocacy career in a tweet length summary what would it say?

Being a Second generation lawyer, I persuaded my family that I want to be a lawyer and make a good career in law. To be very frank, I must say the journey in this legal profession has been a roller coaster ride for me. Let’s dive back in time to know more about why and how I chose the legal profession as a career. In the year 2005, I did my schooling from St. Pius X High School.  I was least interested in accounts so it was easy for me to make up my mind about not pursuing CA/CS Course for sure. I always had dreamed to pursue Law from top law Schools either from KC Law College or Government Law College in Mumbai. With Parents Blessings, in the year 2010 I pursued my Law from KC Law College, Churchgate Mumbai and I graduated law in the year 2013. In the Year 2013, I was enrolled as an Advocate with the Bar Council of Maharashtra & Goa.

I have dedicated my career to defending the rights of individuals and organizations across India’s diverse legal landscape. My unwavering commitment to justice has earned me a reputation as a formidable force in the courtroom.

My Expertise spans a broad spectrum of legal domains, including corporate law, Criminal law, Family Law, Consumer law, Labour Law and constitutional law.

A staunch proponent of the rule of law, I am renowned for my meticulous preparation, persuasive arguments, and unwavering dedication to my clients’ best interests. 

Beyond the courtroom, I am actively engaged in shaping the legal landscape through my contributions to legal education and professional development initiatives. I am always a speaker and mentor, inspiring aspiring lawyers to uphold the highest standards of legal practice.

My legal journey is an embodiment of unwavering commitment to justice and a deep-seated belief in the power of law to transform lives. I stand as a beacon of hope for those seeking legal recourse, demonstrating the transformative impact of a dedicated legal professional.

Your practice covers a diverse range of legal areas. From Family courts to National company Law Tribunal. Is there a specific type of case or legal matter that you find particularly intriguing or challenging ? Could you share an experience that stood out in your career?

One intriguing type of case in family court involves navigating complex child custody disputes in the context of international relocation. These cases often arise when one parent wishes to move abroad with the child, potentially impacting the other parent’s access and involvement in the child’s life. They entail multifaceted considerations, including the child’s best interests, maintaining relationships with both parents, cultural adjustments, and legal complexities across different jurisdictions. The intricacies of international law, cultural factors, and the emotional dynamics involved make these cases both challenging and fascinating from a legal standpoint. Finding a resolution that prioritizes the child’s welfare while addressing the rights of both parents within an international context requires a delicate balance and often involves creative legal arguments and mediation strategies.

As someone who has conducted lectures and served as a judge in Moot court Competitions, what’s one legal misconception you’ve encountered that you find yourself debunking frequently.

One legal misconception that often requires debunking is the belief that the law operates in absolute black-and-white terms. The reality is that the law is often nuanced and context-dependent, shaped by various factors including precedents, legislative intent, and evolving societal norms. Encountering the misconception that legal matters always have a clear-cut right or wrong solution is common. In educating aspiring legal minds, I emphasize the importance of understanding the complexities within the law, acknowledging that interpretations can vary, and advocating for the exploration of multiple perspectives to arrive at a well-reasoned and just conclusion.

As the President of the Maharashtra Mediation Cell at IEFCI (International Economic Forum for Commerce and Industry), you’re involved in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). What drew you to this field and how do you approach mediating disputes to achieve amicable settlements

I am drawn to the field of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) because I believe it is a more efficient and effective way to resolve disputes than traditional litigation. ADR processes are typically less adversarial and more collaborative than litigation, which can help to preserve relationships between the parties involved. Additionally, ADR processes are often more cost-effective than litigation.

When mediating disputes, I use a facilitative approach. This means that I help the parties to identify the issues in their dispute and to develop their own solutions. I do not impose my own solutions on the parties, but rather I help them to reach a mutually agreeable resolution.

ADR’s appeal lies in its capacity to facilitate constructive dialogue and foster mutually beneficial resolutions outside the courtroom. My interest in this field stems from a belief in the power of mediation to empower parties in dispute by providing them with a voice in the resolution process. I approach mediation by prioritizing active listening, fostering empathy, and encouraging open communication. By creating a conducive environment for dialogue, I aim to identify common ground, encourage collaborative problem-solving, and guide parties toward crafting their own, mutually acceptable solutions, ultimately aiming for amicable settlements that address the interests of all involved.

Handling cases involving Bollywood celebrities and public interest litigations against regulatory authorities is quite unique , Can you share a bit about experience of handling high profile cases and how do you navigate the intricacies that come with such cases?

Handling such cases demands a unique approach due to media scrutiny, public interest, and often, heightened emotions involved. Maintaining confidentiality while managing public perception is key. Detailed preparation, strategic communication, and a focus on legal nuances are crucial. Building strong client relationships and ensuring clear expectations help manage the complexities. Navigating these cases requires a delicate balance between legal expertise, public relations, and a thorough understanding of the industry’s dynamics.

Outside the legal realm, what hobby or activity that brings you joy and relaxation serving as a counterbalance to the intensity of legal proceedings?

Outside the legal realm, one activity that brings me immense joy and serves as a perfect counterbalance to the intensity of legal proceedings is photography. Capturing moments through a lens allows me to immerse myself in the beauty of the world, offering a serene escape from the intricacies of the legal sphere. The creative aspect of composing shots and exploring different perspectives brings a sense of calm and rejuvenation, offering a much-needed balance to the demanding nature of legal work. 

Your commitment to providing the best legal representation to your clients is evident Outside the courtroom, what’s one piece of advice you find yourself frequently giving to individuals facing legal challenges whether they are corporations or private parties.

One recurring piece of advice I often offer to individuals, whether they’re part of a corporation or private parties, when facing legal challenges is to prioritize communication and documentation. Clear and open communication between all involved parties is crucial in navigating legal matters effectively. Documenting every interaction, agreement, or important detail ensures a comprehensive record that can be pivotal in resolving disputes or presenting a strong case in court if needed. Whether it’s emails, meeting minutes, or formal agreements, maintaining a detailed record significantly strengthens your position and can serve as a valuable asset in achieving favourable outcomes. In Legal matters, patience is a must. Legal matters can take time to resolve. Be Patient with your Advocate / Counsel and trust that they are working in your best Interest. The Parties should also consider the Alternative Dispute Resolution process to resolve legal disputes without going to Court. This can be a more cost effective and efficient way to resolve your legal issues. The parties should not panic in any situation, it is normal to feel stressed and overwhelmed when you are facing legal challenges. However it is important to stay calm and rational. I always advise everyone that if you think the legal issue is simple, it is always best to consult with an Advocate. An Advocate can help you avoid making mistakes that could jeopardize your case.  

As a seasonal advocate how do you see the current generation of legal professionals contributing to the evolution of traditional legal practices? What advice would you give to young advocates navigating the modern legal landscape? 

The current generation of legal professionals is actively reshaping traditional legal practice through technological integration, diversified skill sets, and a dynamic approach to client representation. Embracing advancements in legal tech, they’re leveraging AI-powered research tools, online platforms for case management, and virtual courtrooms to streamline processes and enhance efficiency. Moreover, this generation is recognizing the importance of interdisciplinary knowledge, incorporating business acumen, technology expertise, and communication skills into their legal repertoire. To young advocates navigating this modern landscape, I advise embracing technological advancements while maintaining a strong foundation in legal principles. Continuously upskill by learning about emerging technologies and their applications in law. Cultivate a diverse skill set, including negotiation, critical thinking, and adaptability. Building a strong network within and outside the legal sphere can also be pivotal for career growth and opportunities in this evolving legal landscape. One more thing, everything progresses at its own pace, so never feel frustrated/agitated if something is not happening at your whims/desires time and destiny will certainly make it happen for you if you are honest and keen about it.

Get in touch with Adv. Hitesh Ramchandani –

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