This interview has been published by Prabhjot Singh, Priyanka Karwa and The SuperLawyer Team

Could you please share with us about your inclination towards law, what inspired you to work in the corporate sector?
As a young student I was inclined to become a corporate lawyer as I had seen my father who worked in a shipping company in Dubai speak about the role of lawyers in Maritime law and trade .
The company he worked for was having a number container ships which were often having advice and legal intervention from Lawyers .
I believed lawyers as heads of nation did more than just a politician everywhere in the world .
The lawyers who turned to politicians have been remembered by majority of the people in the world for their productive good deeds and have changed the world a lot .
Your experiences are diverse in many aspects, but what creates curiosity in our minds right now is “Maritime Law”, kindly explain this niche for our audience
Maritime law is a very important law with regards to the trade of the world . The majority of cargo movement happens through the sea . Nations have changed their faces and development happened to a great extent with Maritime law and logistics.
There are more ships at sea than all the ships in ports carrying various products for all the countries .
Maritime law has played a major part in avoidance of conflicts and delays of good transit around the world .
We assume that such expanded work requires smart people in the room. So are you a team player or is it a “one-man show”?
I have a good team to back me up with my juniors and associates from different countries .
They are people of high learning capacity and quick in finding solutions .
Confrere Global Legale was made with integration of most of them so that an international association would make things happen quicker.
The core team of CGL are people of good research and learning in their fields of legal practice .
Most often dealing with different countries comes with its own challenges and unavoidable hurdles. How do you manage that and what has been your game plan so far?
We have the best influential and informative lawyers to support and joint venture with us where ever we practice law beyond the boundaries of our nation.
Their capacities, knowledge and influence with various departments and organisations have helped us get into solutions without delays.
Your profile takes us to the next interesting angle, being an investor in startups, how do you see these startups scaling employment opportunities for law students ahead?
The startups create innovations and employment opportunities. Lawyers who are innovative and fast in adaptive technologies have an advantage over others in advising these startups ans taking them ahead .
Young lawyer are more adaptive to technologies and becoming legal advisers to such innovative startups.
What thin lines you observed between Indian laws and European law dealing with different transactions?
European law is more modernized and technologically adaptive to users as for trade and diplomacy . Indian laws have a lot to be changed and we are on the changing phase with many of them .
The present laws brought out are a fine example of our changing phase in legislative enactments to suit our needs on par with the rest of the world .
Young law professionals still often choose hard work over smart work, what do you think about this aspect? How can this be changed?
Today the legal world needs smart work more than the hard work . So young lawyer who are doing the smart work gain a lot in comparison with those who do the hard work .
Smart work can also be called effective work . This is needed to take trade ahead into greater heights for an example .
The recent CEPA signed between UAE and India is a fine example for it .
The hard work of making it is over but to get its benefits to people of trade, smart work of knowledge spreading and practical usage needs to be done which is yet to be done .
So hard work alone will not suffice today smart work plays a major role for young lawyers especially in trade law .
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